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Ink and Iconography, Rumi Galleries, 2023
with text by Joseph Rumi

Lochhead / Bloore 2-man Show, Wallace Galleries, 2021
with text by Hank Roest

Untitled, Ron Bloore at Wallace, 2016
Five Decades, Moore Gallery Tribute, 2011
Wallace Galleries Tribute, 2011
Peter Pan Restaurant, Toronto, 2006-14
Small Works at the Art Co., 2003
Maquettes and Small Paintings, Victoria, 2003
Works on Paper, San Francisco, 2003
Mixed Media on Paper at Moore Gallery, 1999
Bloore in Toronto, Dorothy Cameron Gallery, 1965
Bloore in Toronto, Here and Now Gallery, 1962
with text by Robert Fulford

Sumi Ink Works at Peel Art Gallery, 2019
Works on Paper at Carleton University, 2008
Fragments of Infinity, Regina / Calgary, 2008
Bloore at 80, 1988-2005 Retrospective, 2005
with text by Illi Tamplin

Works on Paper, Gallery Lambton, 2002
Not Without Design, Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1991-2
text by Terrence Heath

Drawing Retrospective, Art Gallery of Peterborough, 1988
with text by Illi Tamplin

New Byzantine Lights and Other Paintings 1960-74, 1976
16 Years, Retrospective at the MacKenzie Gallery, 1975
Bloore in St. Johns, New Brunswick Art Museum, 1965
Five Painters from Regina at the National Gallery, 1961
Win Hedore at the Mackenzie Gallery, 1961

Links to the Show Pages are Above ↑
↓ Pictures of the Shows are Below

Bloore's two most important solo shows were the retrospectives of 1976 and 1990, both of which had many stops across Canada. These will be featured someday. The complete catalog essay of the latter show, Not Without Design, is featured among the text pages. Also very significant is the Five Painters From Regina show (image below) which was travelled by the National Gallery in 1961. In the CV is a complete list of major shows up to 2009. In the Past Events are some other minor shows before 2009.


Featured Shows
Reverse Chronologically


Ink and Iconography, Rumi Galleries, Toronto, 2023



Lochhead / Bloore 2-man Show, Wallace Galleries, Calgary, 2021



Sumi Ink Works at Peel Art Gallery, 2019



Untitled, Ron Bloore at Wallace, Calgary 2016



Five Decades, Moore Gallery Tribute, Toronto 2011



Wallace Galleries Tribute, Calgary, 2011



Works on Paper at Carleton U., Ottawa 2008



Fragments of Infinity, Regina and Calgary, 2008



Peter Pan Restaurant, Toronto, 2006-14



Bloore at 80, 1988-2005 Retrospective, Peterborough, 2005



Small Works at the Art Co., Toronto, 2003



Maquettes and Small Paintings, Victoria, 2003



Arranging Works on Paper for the Meridian Gallery in San Francisco, 2003



Works on Paper, Sarnia, Ontario, 2002



Not Without Design (retrospective) at the Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1991
Regina, Edmonton, Calgary, Hamilton, Halifax
The Feature Page for this show is still in the works
The Catalog Essay is here



Drawing Retrospective, 68 works on paper, Peterborough, 1988



New Byzantine Lights and Other Paintings 1960-74, Toronto, 1976



The 16 Years Retrospective of 1975 was so large it overflowed the
MacKenzie Gallery's display spaces and filled the hallways
Windsor, London, Kingston, Montreal, Winnipeg and Vancouver also hosted
The Feature Page for this show is still in the works



New Paintings, Dorothy Cameron Gallery and also Gallery New Brunswick, 1965



Five Painters from Regina at the National Gallery of Canada, 1961
Sackville, St. Catharines, Kingston, Winnipeg, Hamilton
The Feature Page for this show is still in the works



Arte de America y EspaƱa, Instituto de Cultura Hispanica
Madrid, Mayo-Junio 1963

Exhibitions Index Page

← misc / TOP / works →


Sumi works at Rumi ’23
Lochhead/Bloore ’21
Peel Sumi Inkworks ’19
Wallace Gallery ’16
Moore Gallery Tribute ’11
Wallace Gallery Tribute ’11
Carleton Works on Paper ’08
Mackenzie/Nickle ’07-09
Peter Pan Diner 2006-15
AGP, Bloore at 80, ’05
Art Company, Sploores etc ’03
Winchester, Small Works ’03
Meridian Gallery, Inkworks ’03
Lambton Gallery, Inkworks ’02
Mixed Media at Moore ’99
Not Without Design ’91-2
AGP, Drawings 1960-88
MacDonald Block ’76
Dorothy Cameron Gallery ’65
Here And Now, Toronto ’62
Win Hedore, Regina ’60

Before ’64 Early Days
1964-74 White on White
1975-87 Back to Toronto
1987-99 Synthesis
2000-07 Anti-synthesis

Works on Paper
Small Maquettes
Black Works
Works With Colour
Sploore Sculptures
Sunday Sketches
1975-76 Sketches
Working Drawings
Oil Working Drawings

Ink and Iconography ’23
Lochhead and Bloore ’21
Tamplin, Bloore at 80 ’05
Morton Retrospective ’94
Not Without Design ’91
Regina Five Interviews ’91
Knapik Interview ’91
Masterpieces at the National
Jan Wyers Retrospective ’89
Moore Interview ’88
Peterborough Donation ’88
Tamplin, Bloore Drawings ’88
Life and Role of the Artist ’83
Regina Five Reunion ’81
Ted Heinrich Review ’79
Murray Interview ’78
Baker Lake Prints ’73
Barry Lord Review ’66
Robert Fulford Review ’62
Win Hedore in Time ’60
Folk Painters, Jan Wyers ’60
Art in Canada, Letter ’51
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